Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shoe Logo

The other week, a good friend of mine asked me if I would design a logo for him. He wanted it to be a design he might put on a pair of basketball shoes to sell, like the one for the John Wall basketball shoes:

If you can see, the logo is a combination of a "J" "W" and "11".

So I set my pencil and paper to work to draw up something similar, and this is what I came up with with his initials and number of choice: BW27.



(If you can't tell, this is where I incorporated the 27:)
(This design belongs to myself and B.W. and no one else may use this without written consent.
I'm getting 20% of his profits from this, if he does something with it. (: )

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Youth Group Logo

Our Youth Group has been discussing making some changes this year. One thing we have considered is having a logo to use for things such as T-shirts. I took some time to draw up some ideas, and I mostly focused on a "new creation" concept from 2 Corinthians 5:17. I considered drawing a shoot with some roots, roots showing our growth being deep, but this design looks even better.

[In case the image isn't loading, it is a shoot with three leaves (Trinity concept!) with a shadow as a cross. ]

House Crest

With this new school year, our school decided to add a House system (if you don't know what that is, read Harry Potter.). We have five Houses, and I am the leader of the Elliot House. So, to go with our House and House Hero (Elisabeth Elliot, a remarkable woman), I designed a crest for our House to use.

It includes two spears shaped like the ones that killed Elisabeth Elliot's husband and the four other missionaries with him. The spears form a cross to represent how this tragic death was used to continue to reach out to the tribe and bring them to Christ. The "E" is for Elliot; it was designed by Amy (I cleaned it up a bit), and it provides an original and unique quality to our crest. Our motto is "Victoria de Tragodea" which is Latin for "Triumph from Tragedy"--a saying that relates to how God has created something good from every bad situation Elliot went through (ex. the death of her first and second husband), and from Jesus' death.
